p Native Fish Australia

Who We Are
Native Fish Australia is a volunteer organisation that is open to anyone who cares about the well-being of Australia's native freshwater fish and the rivers, streams and other waterways that they inhabit.

NFA is funded through membership subscriptions and donations from individuals and other organisations.

Although NFA was founded by anglers, it is not primarily a fishing club.  Nevertheless, many of our members are anglers and NFA events often include fishing. We encourage the use of only ethical and sustainable angling practices in the wider angling community and expect NFA members to use them personally.

We are always ready to welcome new members and new branches. If you would like to join NFA, or perhaps start a new branch, refer to the Branches sub-menus above for the page that may list the relevant addresses and membership fees.

NFA takes an active interest in all matters effecting native fish, working with government and government agencies to help achieve the best possible outcomes. NFA also performs a valuable independent watch dog function helping to ensure that our aquatic heritage is not damaged due to bureaucratic mismanagement or political interference.

Nationally, NFA is organised into a number of Branches each of which is an independent association in its own right, but which has agreed to abide by the National NFA Constitution.

There is a National Executive which is elected by delegates from the Branches at a National AGM each year.  Generally, the National Executive performs a co-ordinating role, but it also exists to provide a National voice for those occasions that warrant it.

NFA represents the interests of native fish and responsible native fish anglers on a number of bodies at both Federal and State level.  In particular NFA seeks to provide an intelligent, environmentally balanced viewpoint in those forums.

Our activities are very varied. For example, NFA (Victoria) has been running a native fish hatchery for a number of years. This hatchery breeds fish including the endangered trout cod. Trout cod larvae are transferred to Victorian Fisheries for on-growing and release as part of the Trout Cod Recovery Plan. On a different front another NFA Branch, Bass Sydney, has been working on a fishway over the Liverpool Weir on the Georges River (near Sydney). This important project is expected to be completed in the next few months. Bass Sydney successfully secured very substantial government funding for this project.

Several NFA Branches run "Basscatch" events which are catch and release competitions used to gather scientific data about Australian bass populations. The data gathered by these events is now an important tool used by Fisheries departments to monitor this important species.

Other activities are often much smaller in scale, such as surveys of native fish stocks in many different waters which might involve as few as two or three or as many as several tens of members, depending on the task at hand. We hold social events and fishing trips, run field trips and conduct educational displays at major public exhibitions.

Whatever your interest in Australian native fish, there is a place for you in NFA. If you like to "get your hands dirty" there is ample opportunity, if you would just like to support us by sending in your fees, you are welcome too.