Jaala Pulford
Minister for Fishing & Boating
Level 20, 1 Spring Street
Melbourne 3000
Current Ban on Recreational Fishing in Victoria
Dear Jaala,
I am writing to support the stay at home direction under stage 3 restrictions and therefore the
current ban on recreational fishing in Victoria. We believe that the current ban is in the
interest of all Victorians and sacrifices need to be made to protect all Victorians and prevent
the widespread proliferation of COVID-19. The ban continues to frustrate the majority of
Native Fish Australia (Vic) members who fish regularly, but understand the overarching need
for the stay at home direction.
It now appears as if the stage 3 restrictions have lead to a decline in the proliferation of
COVID-19 with the “transmission curve” well and truly flattened, and the number of
community transmissions falling dramatically.
NFA (Vic) urge you to remove the ban on recreational fishing as soon as practicable and
allow recreational angling to recommence. It is likely that some restrictions will still be
necessary including current social distancing rules and a maximum limit of two persons in
boating activities as well as the uptake of the COVID-19 tracking app by anyone wishing to
participate in recreational angling. This will allow many Victorians whose major form of
recreation is angling to resume, and will facilitate improvements to both the mental and
physical health of those anglers.
Tim Curmi
Native Fish Australia (Vic)
21 April 2020