Australian Native Freshwater Fish Species
...with profiles on this ste (by common name)
For full list of common names of species on this site see Common names and aliases or for a complete listing of Australian native freshwater fish see A Taxanimic summary of Australian freshwater fish
Click on fish image for more info:
ABC - DEF - GHI - JKL - MNO - PQRS - TUV - WXYZ - Introduced
Australian bass |
Australian lungfish |
Australian smelt |
Barred galaxias | ||
Berney's catfish |
Butler's grunter |
Common galaxias |
Crimson spotted rainbowfish |
Dwarf galaias |
Eel-tailed Catfish |
Estuary perch |
Flat-headed gudgeon |
Flyspeck Hardyhead |
Golden perch |
Jungle perch |
Macquarie perch |
Mangrove jack |
Mountain galaxias |
Mouth almighty |
Northern purple spotted gudgeon |
c Oxleyan pygmy perch |
Tamar goby |
Trout cod |
Two-spined blackfish |
Variegated pygmy perch |
Western carp gudgeon |
Western galaxias |
Western pygmy perch |
Yabby |
Yarra pigmy perch |
English perch / redfin
Brown trout
Rainbow trout
Mosquito fish |
Tilapia |
For further details on specific Australian Native Fish Species, please refer to the Species sub menus above.
Or, if you know the common or scientific name of a particular fish species you're interested in, than enter the name in the Species Search box above.
See also A Taxanomic Summary of Australian Freshwater Fish